Released june 25th, 2015.
I became aware of all internet's phenomena in mid-2013 and one of the things I liked on YouTube was the work of Venezuelan novelist, journalist and YouTube personality, Ángel David Revilla (DrossRotzank). I was inspired in his own story of success, as well as all the concepts and topics he used for his art. However, NOISEORCHESTRA also served as my best opportunity to produce a further harsh-noise style, something I didn't make in a while. It has it's moments of wall-noise, something I'm not fond on, but I liked how it contrasted with the rest of the noises. I wanted the 3 discs to be released individually, but I thought these "orchestrated noise" sessions were too related between each other that I decided to put them all in the same release. It is not only one of my personal favorite works, it's also the most disturbing tribute to Dross Rotzank I could have imagined.

Recorded, mixed, mastered & edited at Heaven & Hell Works Studios, december 15th 2014 - june 6th 2015.
Final mix made in june 7th 2015 (in booklet it appears mistakenly as 2014).
All samples are referred inside the booklet.
All other arrangemnts composed and performed by Sir Edgar Carpenter.
Photos and graphic details by UgliestArt.
Inner notes by Sir Edgar Carpenter.
EC used: Laptop (djay, Logic Pro X, audacity, "Broken music and Looptronica"), voice (vocal synthesizers), microphones (feedbacks, effects), metallic and sharp objects (amplified), synthesizers, drums, acoustic guitar, choir direction, marbles, TV and radio recordings, piano wires, NES, demijohn,
Dross Rotzank: voice recordings (disc III)
Disc 1:
1. Noiseorchestra Prologue
2. Metallic Oceans
3. A Cave And Beyond
4. In The Macabre
5. A Second Wooden Forest
6. Three And A Half Minutes In Hell
7. The Final Strike
8. Into The Deeps
Disc 2:
1. Hurting Someone
2. The Lethanies Of The Omen
3. Portions Of Chaos
4. You're Listening Just Another Piece Of Shit
5. Sacrifice Dance (Sir Edgar Carpenter Remix)
6. Burn Down This Song
7. Suicide Anthem
Disc 3:
1. I've Been Playing With You
2. Piano Solo
3. Screaming World
4. Dross Curses Us
5. Fear Of Noise
6. Lord Of Disturbance (Ode To Morzat)
7. Epic Fanfarre (Excerpt)
8. Lost Spacemen In An Endless Abyss Of Noises
9. Noiseorchestra Finale